Automating Appointment Reminders With Your EMR

Automated patient reminders are critical for practices and an EMR can handle that job, freeing staff for other, more important work. No shows, cancelations and rescheduled appointments interrupt the normal flow of patients and result in lost revenue. Every clinician... read more

Will Obamacare Make America Healthier?

Obamacare is definitely trying to create a population of healthier people, especially in the workforce. It does so through free, government approved services and employer-based incentive programs with an emphasis on prevention, since it’s much cheaper to prevent than... read more

Obamacare 101: The Impact on Your Patients

Obamacare means major changes for virtually every segment of the population and clinicians will need to educate their patients about those changes and how it will impact them on a personal level. The healthcare climate will also affect practitioners and how they... read more

How Obamacare Supports Affordable Care Organizations

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are groups of healthcare professionals and facilities that work within a network to deliver services and coordinate care for Medicare patients. They attempt to deliver the best care that stays within a specified “pre-paid” dollar... read more

Obamacare Changes the Healthcare Landscape for Retirees

Much has been said in the media about the changes in store for seniors under the Affordable Health Care Act, known as Obamacare. The legislation appropriates a significant portion of Medicare money to fund Obamacare, limits contributions to flexible spending accounts... read more

Obamacare and the Investment Income Tax

There are many ways that have been structured into the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) to fund the legislation. One of those methods is the investment income tax (unearned income). Wealthy individuals will pay a 3.8 percent surcharge on capital gains and... read more

Obamacare and the Medical Device Tax

Known as Obamacare, the Affordable Health Care Act places a tax on a variety of services, items and businesses. The Medical Device Tax has come under fire from a variety of companies and individuals who claim it will accomplish everything from the loss of jobs to the... read more

The Obamacare Rollout – What Did We Learn?

The rollout of the Healthcare Insurance Marketplace, the centerpiece of President Obama’s signature legislation, has been full of server overloads, last minute changes and the inability of people to purchase insurance made mandatory through Obamacare. The problems... read more