Medicare is the biggest government payer practitioners will deal with, but it’s by no means the only one. Government-operated health insurance encompasses many other programs and in this second of a two-part series, Nitin Chhoda addresses other government-sponsored... read more
Most patients have a commercial healthcare insurance plan that pays a portion of the cost should they become ill or require medical attention. Commercial plans account for the bulk of a practitioner’s reimbursements, but an extensive array of government operated... read more
Nitin Chhoda discusses how clinicians can handle the insurance benefits of their employees without jeopardizing the business revenue and have a win-win situation for both staff and private practice business. As a clinic owner and employer, medical practitioners... read more
Nitin Chhoda shares the four Ds of negligence in a private practice setting so that clinicians can prevent negligence from occurring in the business. The medical profession is a rewarding one, but full of opportunities to inadvertently run afoul of rules and... read more
Although healthcare insurance can be useful in the case of illness, many people do not understand their insurance coverage and limitations. Nitin Chhoda shares the different perspective of healthcare insurance; from that patient’s point of view to the healthcare... read more
Nitin Chhoda explains the health care insurance, its providers, the Insurance coverages and the Affordable Care Act for patients. He also discusses the importance of knowing the limitations of patients’ insurance so that patients and service providers know what... read more
Producing reports for health care management in order to monitor efficiency of therapists and staff are now possible. Nitin Chhoda explains how physical therapy EMR changes the productivity and efficiency of physical therapy practice by reviewing the number of... read more
Manual physical therapy documentation can be time consuming. The trend has been for physical therapists to focus on the admin side instead of providing quality care to patients. Nitin Chhoda says that it’s about time to use physical therapy software so that... read more
Health information sounds like a vague and ambiguous term. It means different things to different people. In this article, Nitin Chhoda ‘breaks it down’ and defines health information in a manner that makes it meaningful for a private practice owner. Nitin... read more