Nitin Chhoda provides reasons why medical coding is necessary and the role it has in a private practice setting. By defining what medical coding is and what codes are involved, it helps simplify the process for practice owners and staff. What is medical coding?... read more
Medical coding is a complicated task, and requires constant updating. NItin Chhoda shares the main tasks of a medical coder and the importance of using certified people. Because medical coding is such an important task, many clinics assign a medical coder to do the... read more
The basics of medical billing and its role in the physical therapy business are shared by the licensed physical therapist, Nitin Chhoda. He emphasizes the difference between medical billing and regular businesse billing. Closely followed by the process of medical... read more
Whether your medical billing and coding should be in-housed or outsourced, there are certain things that are worth considering. Nitin Chhoda shares the advantages of an in-house medical billing and coding for a small or new private practice. One of the biggest... read more
Nitin Chhoda shares why verifying insurance eligibility should happen before and not after treating patients. The biggest challenges for medical coders and billers come from health insurance companies and its insurance eligibility. With such high rates of rejection... read more
Timely claim submission is an important role of medical billing staff. Nitin Chhoda discusses why regularly submitting accurate claims are vital and should be the first priority of any billing staff. Perhaps because claims submission will take up the largest... read more
There should always be an open communication between the medical billers and the healthcare practice management. Nitin Chhoda further explains how good communication will help to resolve any type of issues faster and more efficiently. Medical billing... read more
With many disputes our economy is facing today, increasing payments for healthcare services can be challenging. Nitin Chhoda explains why discussing with patients about their health coverage is important. Making the patient feel prepared and ready will help... read more
The future of healthcare and insurance is still uncertain. Nitin Chhoda imparts how major changes are needed to be made in order to help policy holders maximize the use of their insurance policies. Without a good understanding of health insurance and... read more