As you plan to change your manual system to an automated one, always keep in mind that you must communicate with your staff prior to the changes. In order to have a smooth implementation of the EMR system, Nitin Chhoda shares a few important steps to take note... read more
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) had set a goal called “Vision 2020” to help improve awareness of physical therapy in the patient community. Nitin Chhoda explains how this vision will open new horizons for patient–physical therapist... read more
Electronic medical records (EMRs) are becoming a commonplace in all private practices. Nitin Chhoda shares the benefits of using EMR, how to find the right one that can save time, improve quality of patient care and help the practice owner live a life of freedom and... read more
It’s not enough for an EMR to be web-based, it needs to be tablet-based. Although the two terms seem synonymous, Nitin Chhoda explains the important difference between the two, and what it means to your practice. Adopting an EMR is beneficial for patients and... read more
Nitin Chhoda reveals the key factors to consider before adopting and implementing an EMR system in your practice with a simple, easy to follow blueprint. Adoption of a physical therapy software like EMR shouldn’t be done in haste or therapists may find themselves... read more
EMR and EHR are two different terms that are often used interchangeably. Nitin Chhoda discusses the difference between EMR and EHR and why this is important for your practice. There’s been a lot of confusion about the difference in an electronic medical record (EMR)... read more
Nitin Chhoda differentiates between the terms ‘medical records’, ‘health record’ and ‘health information’. The importance of HIPAA laws to protect patient privacy, and how this relates to EMR security is also discussed. With the... read more
HIPAA laws are designed to protect unauthorized access to a patient’s personal and medical information. Nitin Chhoda elaborates on HIPAA regulations and how to comply with them to avoid fines and penalties in your practice, and the role that your electronic... read more
If you are switching from one EMR system to another, you need to consider several factors including portability, integration and security. Nitin Chhoda provides a detailed checklist to help you make the transition to an EMR system that will help you prepare for the... read more